The eagle eyed amongst you will have seen that we released the Trail Anywhere bunny hop trainer a few weeks ago, we have been testing the trainer for a few months now feeding back to Steve at Trail Anywhere the areas we felt improvements could be made.

Steves main focus was making it portable, not only for ease of use on our courses but for the end customer. Having something sturdy enough to deter the breeze but light enough to carry around.
The trainers are precision cut using a CNC machine, it features a collapsable sturdy pole and folds down to flat pack making them great to throw in a back pack for your jib sessions. The height measure on the side allows you to really see your progression and see how high you can really bunny hop.
Think you got what it takes?

The bunny hop is certainly one of the most required core skills and now you can track your progression and instantly see results. We also use this to help riders with their jumping skills, plus it's just great fun teasing yourself!
You can get your very own trainer form our shop, we recommend getting your trainer sealed to help protect it from the elements!